Jude’s Praise

The theme of Jude’s brief epistle is “contending for the faith.” And it is strategically placed in the canon of scripture just before the book of The Revelation. Jude warns about apostasy, that is  “desertion, unbelief, and rebellion against God,” which had “crept in unnoticed” into the local Church (Jude 4). Hence the need for believers to contend for the faith. Apostasy leads to sinful living. The Church today needs to take heed.  In context, Jude admits he originally intended to write concerning our “common salvation,” but chose instead to write concerning the need for christians to “contend for the […]

He is not here …

“He is not here, for He has risen.” The angel spoke these assuring words to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary when they went to see Jesus’ tomb. (Matthew 28:1-6). The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. What does it mean? Why does it matter? Is it to be given great prominence only at Easter? The resurrection matters not only at Easter, but in each and every day of our lives. This historical event will always be most essential to the christian faith and experience. Jesus declared of Himself, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he […]

“Now I See”

“One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see” (John 9:25). This is the heartfelt testimony of a man who was born blind and Jesus gave him his sight. That’s why the blind man could declare “now I see.” Just as how this man was blind from birth, we can all relate to his condition. Before a person believes in Jesus Christ, that person is “blind” to Him, His will and His ways. And by no means can anyone change this condition by his or her works. Isn’t it any wonder King David said, “Behold, I was […]


The Bible says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). What exactly is conviction? We usually think of conviction in terms of someone found guilty of a crime in a court of law, and the jury returns a guilty verdict. On the other hand, conviction is used broadly in various other situations. Another definition of of conviction is “a firmly held belief or opinion” meaning the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of what one believes.” Herein is christian or Biblical conviction.  Howard G Hendricks (1924-2013) professor at […]

Are you hungry?

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, ”Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6). As human beings, we develop a “hunger and thirst” for a variety of things. And, many times we will not be satisfied until those needs are met. In a spiritual sense, however, there must this relentless pursuit for righteousness if we are to be the christian person God wants us to be. And this is one of the evidences that we are truly “born again.” No wonder Jesus includes this fourth Beatitude in His Sermon on […]


Wisdom is described as “the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments” (Cambridge English dictionary). Wisdom is one of God’s great attributes. The Bible teaches that God is God of wisdom and this is clearly demonstrated throughout His word. God used wisdom when He created the world, as the Bible tells us, “The LORD by wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding He has established the heavens” (Proverbs 3:19). Way back then, our sovereign God recognized that wisdom was essential in His creation of the world.  No one knows the importance of wisdom more […]

Why Sunday?

Why Sunday? What is so special about Sunday? In the christian community, Sunday is more special than any other day of the week and is considered to be “The Lord’s Day’”for several reasons. First and foremost, Sunday was the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead. The scriptures record, “Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb” (John 20:1).  Whereas in some ways each day seems to “says something” to us, but Sunday, the Lord’s day, […]

Who To Believe

There is absolutely no doubt that we are living in a God-hating, Christ-rejecting sinful world that is filled with greed, lies, dishonesty, depravity, deception, and corruption. The likes of which have not been seen heretofore. The Bible declares, “While evil men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). “Deceiving and being deceived” applies even to those who claim they are preaching God’s word. Disgracefully, some “so-called” religious leaders fall into some or all of these categories. God speaks to the issues. Utilizing their pulpits, some church leaders present a “health, wealth […]

What is a Christian?

What does it mean to be a christian? What does it take to be a christian? Does good works by itself make one a christian? Does church attendance and membership qualify a person to be a christian? Is the giving of tithes and offerings enough to make the giver a christian? The answer to each of these questions is no, not at all. You may ask, how come? The Bible has clear cut answers.  The Bible tells us, “In Antioch the disciples were first called christians” (Acts 11:26). A christian is actually a “follower of Jesus Christ, because that person […]

What’s In A Name

Most of us have heard the phrase, “What’s in a name.” Studies have revealed that names play a significant role in peoples’ lives in just about every country and territory in the world. Parents give their new-borns names that will stick for life. Some people feel that their names define them and definitely affect their personality. We know that different names mean different things. When it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He was given the Name Jesus. The Bible tells us that “She [Mary] shall bear a Son and you shall call His Name JESUS, […]