The Pre-existence of Jesus Christ

Does the Bible mention that the Lord Jesus Christ actually existed before His human birth? And, is there sufficient evidence in both Old and New Testaments to support this view? Let’s read on.  The fourth Gospel clearly states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, snd without Him was not made anything made that was made. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:1-3,14). Doesn’t this sound very familiar with the “beginning of beginnings” […]

Jesus Is Coming Back

The greatest event yet to take place is the coming back of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the greatest hope and anticipation of “born-again” christians worldwide. This event is mentioned numerous times in the Holy Scriptures. R. A. Torrey, evangelist, pastor, and writer, wrote the following: “The second coming of Christ is said to be mentioned three hundred and eighteen times in the two-hundred and sixty chapters of  the New Testament, and “it occupies one in every twenty-five verses” from Matthew to Revelation” (R. A. Torrey, What the Bible Teaches, Updated Edition, P. 230, Whitaker House, Publisher). Absolutely no […]