Jude’s Praise

The theme of Jude’s brief epistle is “contending for the faith.” And it is strategically placed in the canon of scripture just before the book of The Revelation. Jude warns about apostasy, that is  “desertion, unbelief, and rebellion against God,” which had “crept in unnoticed” into the local Church (Jude 4). Hence the need for believers to contend for the faith. Apostasy leads to sinful living. The Church today needs to take heed.  In context, Jude admits he originally intended to write concerning our “common salvation,” but chose instead to write concerning the need for christians to “contend for the […]

Praise the LORD

Psalm 150 concludes the entire book of Psalms, the longest book in the Bible with 150 chapters. The theme of Psalm 150, like the book of psalms itself, is praise. Each of the last five Psalms begins and ends with “Praise the LORD.” Psalm 150 is a very short Psalm with only six verses, the first five beginning with praise and takes approximately 30 seconds to read. Yet, it brings before us our need to praise God, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD” (Verse 6). The word praise occurs no less than twelve times in this “grand finale” […]