It is most amazing how things and times have changed—radically in some instances. And mostly not for the better but for the worse. Specifically, people who once stood for decency and morality have “caved” mainly because of political pressure and to gain political favor. Even those who stood firm in their faith and beliefs changed for political expediency. Perhaps the intent is either to appease or avoid offense to certain groups or organizations.
Many seem to forget the principles on which our great country was built. Our constitution guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of information, etc. These freedoms we enjoy are denied in some parts of the world. For example, the Chinese Communist Party maintain its hostility to all faiths. Also, countries like Pakistan, Iraq, and Myanmar target minority religious minorities.
If a person wishes to express his belief in God and tell people how they can have a relationship with Jesus Christ, why can’t that person be allowed to speak? With freedom of religion and freedom of speech, anyone can choose not to listen. Instead, the speaker is pressured not speak in public on what the Bible teaches. Is it because some may be offended?
Take for instance the situation in the UK, where seven venues cancelled their contracts with Franklin Graham and an eighth backed out after each agreed to host the evangelist. The reason was that Graham’s views on homosexuality are incompatible with the values of the British people. Graham said that the attack on him is an attack on religious freedom and freedom of speech. This is definitely true. Graham takes a stand for the things he believes and that which honors the God he worships and serves.
If, because of my personal beliefs and faith, I do not agree with same-sex marriage, abortion, and transgender people are incompatible with some in our society, I will be regarded as an outcast, rejected, or treated with disdain or contempt. Shame, shame, shame! Is this what we, as a nation have come to? God forbid.
For Christians, the Holy Bible is God’s Word for us to live by. And if we believe in God, we believe His word and practice what it teaches. To do otherwise amounts to hypocrisy, disbelief, and failing to do what we preach. The test of obedience is to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).
No true Christian is going to hold the Bible in one hand, and on the other hand condone with behavior and practice that are contrary to the truth. Today, people stand for nothing, and fall for everything, even if it means stifling their own consciences.
Putting christianity aside for a moment, what has happened to morals and common decency? One doesn’t have to be Christian to discern what is acceptable standards and what is not, irrespective of public pressure or political persuasion. Today, as never before, right moral living is by no means easy. It requires difficult choices, such as how to align daily living with faith and foundational values.
God, Creator of mankind, made us in His image and likeness. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27). Isn’t this statement true today as it ever was? The valid reasons are self-explanatory and also rather obvious.
A former running mate of a former presidential contender who was a “staunch” religious person renounced his beliefs that abortion is wrong and that marriage is between a man and a woman. All this just to be politically correct. This is a clear case of political correctness. Imagine, a person of high moral values for years, decides to change his position for political expediency. Also, two former presidents “vowed” that marriage is between one man and one woman, renounced their positions for political expediency.
When same-sex marriage was enacted into law, the White House was emblazoned with the colors of the rainbow nightlong. This is saying loud and clear, “You don’t like it? Too bad! The point is, if it’s the law, and so be it. We can’t do anything about it. But why go to that extreme, Mr (former) President?
Christians must continue to take a stand for the things that are foundational to our faith in God “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, of whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain” (Philippians 2:15,16).