Lordship of Jesus Christ

One of the foundational truths of the Christian faith is the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul declared, “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11). Jesus Christ as Lord we gladly own, now seated on His Father’s throne.

Paul also makes it clear that because of the atoning death of Christ on the Cross, “None of us lives to himself and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living” (Ronans 14:7-9). Death does not in any way separate the believer from the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our text says, “whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.”

We cannot make Jesus Lord. He Is Lord. Trusting Jesus Christ as Savior means we trust Him as both Lord and Savior simultaneously. This means that we wholly yield to His control and governance of our lives in total obedience to His Word. Paul said, “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Corinthians 4:5). Paul’s intent here was to lead men and women to Jesus Christ where they would bow the knee and acknowledge Him as Lord of their lives. In other words, Paul makes it known that it is not self but rather that Jesus Christ as Lord is being preached.

“He is Lord, He is Lord!
He is risen from the dead and He is Lord!
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.“

The apostle Peter in his sermon while in the house of Cornelius said, “As for the word that he [Godsent to Israel, preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ (he is Lord off all)” (Acts 10:36). Also, the theme of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost is stated as follows: “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified” (Acts 2:36). It is certain that Christ was crucified and it is also certain that God raised Him from the dead and made him Lord. 

Paul points out what is meant by confessing Jesus is Lord. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:8-10). “Salvation can only come through in Jesus Christ.” Writes Dr Stanley. “You confess it with your mouth to put your faith into action and to affirm that you are accountable to Jesus Christ, who is now your Lord. You also believe in your heart that He has triumphed over death. This means that He not only has the ability to save you but He has the authority to lead you and the wisdom to transform you.” The Charles F Stanley Life Principles Bible, p. 1353). As Dr Stanley points out, as Lord, Jesus has the ability to save you, the authority to lead you and the wisdom to transform you.

There must always be the constant awareness that Jesus Christ is Lord. Someone thoughtfully said that if Jesus is not Lord of all, Jesus is not Lord at all. And Jesus Himself said.“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). It is essentially clear in the Scriptures that Jesus Christ is Lord and He is enthroned as King forever, seated at the right hand of His Father in heaven—vested with honor, power, and authority. 

King David certainly paid homage to the Lord in declaring, “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory!” (Psalm 24:7-10).

Hebrews expresses that Jesus Christ is Lord of Creation: “You Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands” (Hebrews 1:10). We acknowledge that our Lord is the Lord of Creation. Therefore, we ascribe honor, praise, and glory to Him. “Of old you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of you hands. They will perish, but you will remain” (Psalm 102:25,26). 

“Lord of glory we adore Thee,
Christ of God ascended high!
Heart and soul we bow before Thee,
Glorious now beyond the sky:
Thee we worship, Thee we praise,
Excellent in all Thy Ways.”
(Richard Holden, 1828-1886).

Let us join with David in his praise and thanksgiving to God. “Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all” (1 Chronicles 29:11). 

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